It has happened again: a baby dies after remaining seven hours forgotten inside the car

It is not the first time that occurs, but it does not stop surprising us and putting our hairs on end. A 21 month old baby has died inside his vehicle, after remaining almost seven hours forgotten by his father, when he should have left her in the nursery.

The events occurred yesterday in the Sanchinarro neighborhood of Madrid, and despite the fact that Samur toilets tried to revive the girl for 45 minutes, nothing could be done for her life. The father is detained, accused of an alleged crime of reckless manslaughter.

He forgot to leave her in the nursery

As we can read in El Mundo, the father took his three oldest children to school every morning and then left the 21-month-old girl in the nursery school. Then he took the subway and left to work.

But yesterday, after parking the car near the nursery where he had to leave his daughter, the man forgot to catch her: He got out of the vehicle and headed for the subway station to go to work, leaving his baby in his chair, locked inside.

In Babies and more, not even five minutes: never leave a baby locked in the car

When the mother of the little girl came to look for her, at around 3:30 p.m. the teachers told him that the girl had not come to school that day. It was then that the woman phoned her husband and he realized that he had left his forgotten daughter inside the vehicle first thing in the morning.

The mother was the first to arrive at the scene, and horrified she saw how her daughter lay inert clamped in her chair, placed in the back passenger seat. Samur-Civil Protection health workers tried to revive her for 45 minutes, but nothing could be done to save her life.

The girl remained around seven hours locked inside the car, a minivan with tinted windows that prevented pedestrians from seeing her.

The interior temperature of the car can increase from 10 to 15 degrees in the sun in just 15 minutes (even in the winter months), and the temperature reached yesterday in Madrid was around 30 degrees. Therefore, the passenger compartment of the parked vehicle ended up becoming a deadly trap for this little one.

The man has been arrested and charged with an alleged crime of reckless manslaughter, but yesterday he could not be interrogated by the police, because he was in a state of shock and needed psychological help. No doubt a terrible "forgetfulness" that will mark this family forever, and that has left us all with a heavy heart.

Photos | iStock

Video: Baby forgotten in hot car found dead in League City (July 2024).