Place an ad to ask to adopt your baby

Although it has improved in recent years, the economic situation in Argentina is far from being equal. Unfortunately, in my country there are still many families living below the poverty level.

This is the case of a woman who offered to rent her belly in exchange for an apartment and also that of Beatriz López, mother of 7 children and 8 months pregnant who You have placed an ad asking you to adopt your baby for not being able to keep it.

Although the hardness of the situation is creepy and we can discuss long and hard about the mother's decision, I think that above all things it has been brave.

He could abandon the baby to his fate as soon as he was born, or he could have chosen to abort with unsafe methods putting his own life at risk. However, the woman has chosen to make a call through the local newspaper because she does not want to leave him, but wants to make sure she is adopted by a family.

On the one hand, I think of the courage of this mother willing to give her son as long as he has a better future than she can give him.

On the other, I cannot help thinking about the number of couples who spend years of anguish mired in adoption procedures to realize the dream of being parents while thousands of children are born every day with a very black future ahead.

It is very sad that a mother is forced to offer her child because she has no means to raise him. The changes that must occur to avoid it are substantial, but cases like this make us see that the so-called “mailboxes” to leave abandoned babies that have been implemented in some countries are not such a bad idea.

Finally, the only thing left is to wish that baby who will soon come to the world have a life as dignified as possible. Too bad that a mother's love is not enough.

Video: First Meeting - Adoption is Beautiful (May 2024).