Maternal smoking can cause depression in children

We already know the different harmful effects that tobacco can cause in the child if the mother smokes during pregnancy.

We know that there is a relationship with the physical development of the baby, and we also begin to talk about alterations from the psychic point of view and in the area of ​​behavior.

Among the qualities that can be affected due to tobacco are aggressiveness, hyperactivity and crime.

Now in a new study this vice is also related to introversion and depression.

As published by the prestigious journal of psychiatry "Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry" the children of women who smoked during pregnancy 10 or more cigarettes, have more likely to have depressive behaviors during childhood or adolescence.

The essay analyzed the responses of the parents of 396 children about their children's behaviors at three different ages, at 5, 10-11 and 18 years. The children of the smoking moms obtained higher scores in depressive behaviors and internalization at all times analyzed

To make the results more reliable, other factors that can also cause depressive behaviors to avoid altering the conclusions were eliminated.

In addition, the authors conclude that this susceptibility can be extended until the end of adolescence or adult life.

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Video: Prenatal Cigarette Smoke Exposure and Psychopathology During Adulthood: A Life Course Perspective (July 2024).