Printable Halloween masks

Looking for little things for Halloween on the Internet I have come to Yo Drawing, a very interesting page where I have found, among other things, funny halloween masks to print.

Just cut them, cut through the dotted line the holes for the eyes and put a rubber where indicated we get some wonderful masks for our children.

Although in the image you can only see two, there are a total of 15 different models (some of them to paint). In addition to the masks you can find more than 100 drawings related to Halloween for coloring, instructions to make our own costumes, ornaments to decorate the table where we will have dinner and even a cut-out to make a cardboard skeleton.

In short, it is a very complete website aimed at both parents and children with resources to set the most terrifying night of the year: The halloween night.

By the way, am I the only one who has not yet adapted to this party? I see Halloween like that celebration that a few years ago we totally did not know and that now seems obligatory ... well, at least it is an excuse to get together with the family and to spend fun moments with our children preparing everything and dressing up.

Website | In Babies and more | Homemade Halloween costumes made with paper, Ideas and costumes for the Halloween party, Recommendations for Halloween costumes

Video: DIY Halloween Bat and Ghost Masks - Free Printable (July 2024).