Survey results: most babies go to kindergarten

The time has come to offer you the results of the survey in which we asked you who took care of your children under three years old. Among all the votes cast, the option of taking babies to a nursery school stands out quite clearly.

Specific, 34% of our readers say that children under three go to nursery school, both public child education schools and private centers that are authorized by the competent administrations and which are called "private child education centers".

The second place is taken by Mom as the main caregiver for the baby, with 22% of the votes cast. Third, quite close with 20%, are the grandparents.

With 11% we have the little ones who go to the nursery, playroom or leisure center and almost the same figure indicates that they are in the care of a babysitter (10%). In the last place is the father as a fundamental caregiver, with only 3% of the votes cast.

Although some comments have left us other options, such as the coordination of schedules between mom and dad to be able to attend between the two to the kids, a modality that seems great to me, I would almost say the ideal. Other readers also talked about the combination mom-grandparents, grandparents-babysitter ...

The truth is that the answers are quite aimed at what I expected, it may not surprise us that they are not more mothers who can afford to take care of their children in a society like ours in which the facilities to maintain a job for Motherhood are virtually nonexistent. Let's not talk about fatherhood anymore.

On the other hand, the high demand for nursery schools, to which administrations should act, scrupulously taking care of both their quality and sufficient supply, especially of public schools.

What has surprised me most is that the grandparents are located in third place almost tied with the mother. It is seen that we resort to them often, and as each time their quality of life is better the option I think will continue to consolidate ... whenever they want, of course.

We appreciate all the votes of our readers and readers, as well as all the comments about it. Everything helps us to better understand what current trends are in our time.

Video: Learn all about Picture Graphs (July 2024).