Decalogue of road safety in nursery schools

We already know the chaos that are the nursery schools for children in and out. We know the parents, as well as motorists and pedestrians who pass by and suffer from it. Traffic jams, beeps, touches, badly parked cars ... A disorder that ultimately puts at risk not only the patience of adults and children, but above all, even if we do not realize, children's safety.

Everyone looks for their own interests (for taking the best place, for being closer to the door, because the child does not get wet) without the slightest gesture of good coexistence and respect for others. Therefore, to raise awareness among families, the National Road Safety Association has developed a Decalogue of road safety in nursery schools.

The decalogue should be visible to parents in all centers. The poster is the one you see above, but as it does not look good I copy the ten tips below. In the link below you can find the poster in three different versions to print and deliver to the address of the school of the kids. It can be a good initiative to help improve everyone's safety.

1) Always take me in my SRI appropriate to my weight and size, although the journey is very short.

2) When you help me out or get in the car, always do it on the side of the sidewalk, but first remember to stop my stroller.

3) In the stroller always hold me with the safety harness, a small blow against the curb and I could fall.

4) Do not advance the stroller to the crossing, teach me to cross in green or through the crosswalk and never do it between cars.

5) Respect these rules even if you don't go with me, my classmates also learn from your actions and I from other families.

6) When you bring me or come looking for me, look for an authorized parking lot, remember that this is a school and we are many children and families each with their interests, it is good that we have civility among all.

7) The rush and road safety are incompatible, my protection and road education are worth 5 minutes.

8) The rain is not bad, nothing happens if we have to walk a little under an umbrella or a fine rain, it is not necessary to park at the door of the school, and remember to close the umbrella before entering or leaving to not hinder the He passed.

9) Everything can be improved, so if you see that the road environment of the school has risks for children, do not hesitate to communicate it. It is better to propose solutions than criticize and increase risk.

10) And remember: EVERYTHING you are doing now for my safety and civic education, when I grow up it will become self-protection and good manners.

Video: Insurrection - Party on the Hill 5 of 9 (July 2024).