Parents of the world compete to see who gets the tallest tower of Cheerios on their baby

Today is Father's Day in many countries of the world and, by chance, a legion of parents has begun to compete in something as (I don't know how to define it) like seeing who gets the tallest tower of Cheerios on his baby.

It all started three days ago

On June 16, three days ago, I was Patrick Quinn, founder of the Life of Dad blog, with his three-week-old baby on the couch when it occurred to him to put a Cheerio on his son's nose. After seeing that he was still, he thought it would be good to add another, and so he added one after the other until he made a turret of five Cheerios.

He thought it was an achievement, something worthy of being admired by his followers, and hung the photo on his Facebook page with a challenge: let's see who could make an even bigger turret. And so was born the #CheerioChallenge.

And the parents began to join the challenge

The logical thing, in a logical world, is that no one will try to do such nonsense, but hey, we know how many men are, competitive to the core, and it was missing that it was seen that it was a challenge for many to join to make Cheerios towers in the face of their children.

In BoredPanda they echoed the challenge and the photos began to appear with really incredible achievements (some suspiciously incredible):

1. Has anyone sucked the Cheerios? (Aaron Naden)

2. I would say that this does not count (Lucas Rosa)

3. Awake should count double (T. López)

4. A great job! (Lewis cat)

5. Seventeen! (Craig Stanley)

6. Why not make four towers instead of a taller one? (Kelsey Bedford)

7. The nose should also tell more (Bryan Wurtz)

8. In two towers, does it count the same? (Mike Crawford)

9. Nine is not so bad (Joe Noak)

10. One hour of work that lasted 2.5 seconds (Demetrice Pollard)

11. Chocolate ones should also score more (Martin Allcock)

Honey, how was your afternoon with the baby?

If I imagine them: "Well honey, here ... we have been playing to make some towers. All afternoon."

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