Will you join the general strike of students and families for the quality of education?

The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Fathers and Mothers (CEAPA) has announced that it joins the initiative convened by the Student Union and that it will be reflected in a general strike, for October 18, in all educational centers. Do youYou will join the general strike of students and families for the quality of education?

The reasons for this general strike of families and students is to protest against the changes in the Education Law that it considers to be based on ideological slogans and misrepresented data and against the dismantling of the public education system and attacks on teachers as they affect families and the quality of teaching.

It will also protest the cessation of aid to families, which implies that there are children who go hungry in schools and the increase in fees and fees parallel to the decrease in aid to families.

The week of struggle, whose calendar can be consulted on the CEAPA website, aims to request the resignation or termination of the Minister of Education, the stoppage of the reform of the LOE and the reduction of aid to families.

We are not talking about a demonstration or unemployment of professors or university students, but an active mobilization, a general strike of families that have school-age children and that they feel overwhelmed by austerity measures that are, in the opinion of many, diminishing the Spanish educational quality and harming the well-being of millions of children. What do you think?

Video: Teachers give reasons for going on strike as two unions prepare for action (July 2024).