Walking with your baby: What is better, to look at you or to look at the environment?

According to a study commissioned by the National Literacy Trust in 2008 to the psychologist, and expert in child interaction between parents and children, Suzanne Zeedyk There is great evidence confirming that the first interactions between parents and their baby have an important effect on children's cognitive, emotional and neurological development.

And there is no better proof than the vital stimulus that a baby has when observing positive facial expressions of their parents to develop their social capacity during their first three years of life, the period of time by which neuroscience ensures that the brain is develops much faster than at any other time in life.

What is this experimental study?

Based on these premises, Dr. Zeedyk conducted an observational study of 2,722 families with babies and, at the same time, also studied how 20 babies behaved along a tour of the urban area of ​​a city in which they were oriented towards forward during the first half of the walk and towards your mother or father in the other half of the walk.

The conclusions that they drew from this experimental study are, at least, significant since, by orienting the chair towards their parent, the percentage of parents who talked, laughed, played and, ultimately, interacted with their baby, doubled. It was also found that 52% of children fell asleep before if they walked while watching their parents compared to 27% who did so if their orientation was towards the route.

Conclusion? According to this study, parents communicate more with their children and children sleep better and their heart rate is lower (less stress) when their chairs are oriented in the opposite direction of walking.

Orientation for or against the march?

So does this mean that all strollers should be oriented towards parents? As the baby grows older, he will be much more interested in his surroundings and from that point of view, orienting the chair towards the route can propitiate that independent principle of being interested in the world. If at that time you decide to change the orientation of your stroller, do not forget to interact with it to the fullest so that you feel protected while discovering the wonderful world beyond the face of your mother and father's face.

The solution: the Urban Duo

Our general recommendation, then, is to orient it towards parents when they are younger to maintain eye contact and change outward orientation when they are older and notice that they are curious about the world around them. But in short, whatever orientation you want to give to your baby's stroller or if you prefer to change it according to the day and the mood of your baby, the Chicco Duo Urban stroller offers you both possibilities thanks to its reversible chair that will allow you to use both directions of the march.

It is also composed of a carrycot designed for the first months of your baby's life, folds easily, takes up very little space, has a double reclining system (reclining the backrest or tilting the structure), includes a reducer for the first months of life and both the hood, leg cover and comfort kit can change color every day.

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