Dads and moms blogs: epidural yes or no ?, the birth I did not dream of and more

As we do every Tuesday, we take a tour of the maternal blogosphere (pa) to discover what has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs. In them we find inspiration, reflections and very interesting experiences to share with you.

We start with I love being a mom where we find a complete entry titled Epidural, yes or no? in which they explain to us, by the hand of a midwife, everything we need to know about epidural anesthesia in childbirth and thus be able to decide.

A mom without bad milk It is Yolanda, who tells us with hairs and signs in a very brave post how "the birth I did not dream" has been, her birth. A testimony with which many will feel identified. And you, have you given birth as you dreamed?

In Claudia's swing They invite us to take an autumnal walk through Madrid in learning about autumn in the Berlin Park, a season of the year with lots of things to discover for the little ones. Beautiful pictures!

Itzi and meThis is how your room shows us how your baby's bedroom has been. Very beautiful and will inspire you if you are thinking of decorating your baby's room without going crazy. I love the pictures!

Before we leave, this week we announce the birth of a new blog that arrives from Mexico. Ing. Mom mx, a mother engineer who tells us why she has been given to make a blog. Surely you have many interesting things to share. Follow the trail.

Finally, in My Philips World They teach us 23 things you can do to make your baby's food healthier with tricks to improve your children's food.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: We found out bad news about Savannah's pregnancy. (May 2024).