'Return to Zero', a film about the death of a baby before birth and how his parents live it

'Return to Zero' (Back to zero), based on a true story, is the first film that deals with sensitivity and realism with such a complex issue as perinatal death, that is the death of a baby before birth and how his parents live it.

It focuses on the life of a happy couple, which seems to lack nothing, which is devastated to learn that the baby they are waiting for is dead. The film reflects how his whole world collapses, his dreams vanish and the happiness they felt at the arrival of his baby becomes a deep, deep pain.

Delve into the changes that the couple suffers from the loss of their child and how each one copes with it in a different way. The death of a baby changes everything, including the relationship with the couple, with the family, with friends and with the rest of the world, everything. Nothing is as it used to be.

It is a true story lived by the director of the film and his wife, which makes it very credible. And something that I especially liked is that it goes one step further. Some time later, the woman becomes pregnant again and also reflects the fear they feel in the face of the new pregnancy, which is a very common fear.

It certainly does not leave you indifferent. Those who have gone through the hard experience will feel identified and those who have been parents will feel deeply moved. It is unimaginable what can be felt before the death of a child who is looking forward to it. But of course 'Return to Zero' He shows it to us bluntly.

The protagonists of the film are the Oscar-nominated actress by the Indomitable Will Hunting, Minnie Driver, and Paul Adelstein (Without prior appointment, Prison Break), both with excellent interpretation. I leave the trailer (only available in English at the moment) and pay attention to the original theme, it is beautiful.

It has been launched in the United States in May and we know that it will be trained in Spain through Antena 3, although there is still no date. We'll be alert. You can also buy the DVD and any news about the movie you can know through its Facebook page Return to Zero.