I'm pregnant and my head hurts a lot, is it normal?

One of the most frequent discomforts during pregnancy are headaches or headaches. Although all the changes that occur in the body during the gestation process cause the body to have to 'readjust' and sometimes that process is expressed through that dreaded discomfort, it is important to keep in mind that it can also be a kind of "alarm" which you use to let us know that we should change a habit or that we should consult our doctor.

Which can be the causes?

It is not yet known for sure what is the reason why headaches become so common in pregnancy. However in principle it can be attributed to the strong hormonal activity that involves the readjustment of practically all the functions of the female body.

The energy requirement of the body can also be a probable cause: if we are subjected to high-demand work that generates a lot of stress or that requires us to spend a lot of time standing a long time, it can cause the belly weight to affect normal blood circulation Keep in mind that the body also increases its energy expenditure, so it could also be due to changes in the blood glucose level.

curiously if you suffer from migraine before pregnancy, this may be quite relieved; It is not a norm, but there is an improvement in a good part of pregnant women.

Can I take medicine to relieve headache during pregnancy?

Although a pregnant woman is supposed to take paracetamolThe truth is that during this time it is better to avoid medications as much as possible. It is also important to keep in mind that both Ibuprofen and Aspirin are totally discouraged, so it is best to ask our doctor from the first consultation what we should take and at what dose in case of headache.

We can always opt for alternative solutions to alleviate it, and although they may not be as immediate as taking a pill, we will probably be avoiding future problems for our baby. Of course, that as long as it is not a recurring pathology, because in that case it must be treated by a doctor and followed to the letter.

What other options do I have?

  • Try to relax with a bath: It is one of the first things we can try, especially if we feel that the body temperature is very close (up or down). You can use salts with a subtle aroma and make your own 'spa' at home that will surely help you relax your body muscles.
  • Put warm, warm or cold cloths on your head: If we do not have the option of taking the bath but we feel that we need to regulate the temperature, you can lie in the position that is most comfortable for you (usually it is supported on your left side), and put a cloth of warm water that relaxes the area.
  • Make several small meals throughout the day: If you suspect that the problem may be because you suddenly feel hungry during the day, probably making small snacks can help you a lot. It is highly recommended to always carry in your bag healthy foods that you can take anywhere such as a fruit, a sandwich, nuts or a yogurt.
  • Get some exercise: Tension can cause the headache to appear and persist, so it may be a good idea to take the time to take a short walk, do yoga, pilates or swimming (always consulting our doctor beforehand).
  • Give yourself a massage: It is another great idea to relax and can also help us find the problem if we go to a professional (for example, if the pain comes from load in the cervicals or from problems in the back). If we do not have that option, we can ask our partner to give us a gentle massage of the head, neck and back using some oil (although we must take precautions with essential oils).
  • If you feel tired, try to sleep: A pregnant woman usually feels the need to rest more, so pay attention to your body. One more hour of sleep a day can mean an improvement (both physical and mental), in the state of the future mother.

When should I go to the doctor?

It is essential to go to the doctor if the pain appears suddenly and you definitely cannot control it, if it occurs in the last two trimesters of pregnancy and is also accompanied by inflammation in some parts of the body, as they could be some signs of preeclampsia.

It is also recommended that you go to the doctor immediately if you have a headache fever, tingling or pain in some other area of ​​the body, blurred vision, dizziness or vomiting.

Have any of you suffered headaches during pregnancy? Do you have any tricks to help you relieve it?