How to avoid falls and bumps in the colecho

Today many parents decide to share a room and bed with their children, a practice known as colecho. However, although this experience is wonderful and completely safe with some precautions and caveats, it can cause bed falls. However, falls can be prevented if we adapt the bed to the safety of the baby.

Children can move a lot when they sleep, whether they wake up and look for us or explore us, as if they turn at night, so it is necessary to organize the bed to prevent them from falling.

There are many ways to avoid the bed falls in the colecho and each family should look for the most appropriate method. Let's see some possibilities.

The bed on the floor

Put the mattress on the floor It is the simplest solution and we make sure that falling is impossible. We can use one of those Japanese beds, the futons, which are at ground level or directly, park the bed legs until the child grows, putting the mattress directly on the floor, always, of course, that it is not too cold or let's have bugs. What will have to be done is to clean the room well and lift it so that it does not accumulate crap underneath.

The barriers and railings

They exist in the market railings that can be attached to the bed and that are usually used in the individual beds of the most moved children, but they are equally valid for the large bed. If necessary, you must also put them at the foot of the bed, as some children crawl down.

Another of the best barriers is to remove the bedside table and glue the bed to one of the walls, always leaving the child on that side. Sometimes, always with maximum security so as not to leave slits or loose cushions, it is appropriate to protect them from blows by nailing a thin mat or a crib protector to the wall.

This method, which is what I used, has a disadvantage: we should not leave the child on the opposite side, and that, during night shots, can be problematic, so it is better to ensure the free side of the bed, in case perhaps.

The removable cushions

Although it may seem cumbersome it is a very simple way to protect the child and does not involve too many changes in the house, since it is solved putting large, solid cushions on the floor, to prevent damage if it falls.

The crib mattress on the floor

Another solution that I adopted was to use the crib mattress to put on the floor next to the bed, it is large and prevents cracks between the cushions. I put it to good use at the end since the cradle remained as a storage for ironing clothes.

Lined foam mats

For the walls and to avoid bumps, it's great line with those mats They are sold as sound insulation as there are several thicknesses.

We can cover them with cloth, even if it is dirt repellent, to be able to clean them easily. It is convenient to ensure that the material is suitable for children and that it has fire protection.

Terraced cot

most of cots can be attached to the bed lowering the railing. It is convenient to ensure that there are no cracks between the mattress of the crib and the large one, because that is dangerous, tying it firmly. This is only possible if they have the same height or if the child is older, so it is not my favorite option although many families do well, especially if they do not plan to collect a lot of time.

Anyway I hope it does not happen to you like a friend of mine, who ended the night she curled up in the crib and the child in the big bed with dad.

The super bed

This option of the super bed I love. In the beach house, which is very hot to be squeezed, I have it this way. A huge bed Of course, room is needed in the room, but by removing the bedside tables or changing the orientation of the headboard, space is usually gained.

We can see if we get two 1.35 beds, which will allow us to collect widely with two children. But, if this does not fit, we can put a single bed. Almost all "double" rooms usually leave room at the foot of the bed, so to the eighty meter of normal length we will add about fifty centimeters more, so we can fit a bed of 1.50 and another of at least 80 . Everything is to measure and find the way.

If they fit in, it will cost a little more to make the beds, but it will compensate for sleeping with plenty of space and security.

Now there are also beds in the market of 1.80 and up to 2 meters, so there are many possibilities to expand the large bed and make room for new family members.

With these ideas, combining them and adapting them to the space and needs of the family, surely you can enjoy from school all the years you want and sleep peacefully, knowing that your little ones will not fall out of bed.

In Babies and more | Different ways of practicing the colecho, how families who collect it are mounted