The tremendous drama that can be losing a stuffed animal and how well they behaved in social networks to help parents

I don't know if your children sleep with a doll or with a du-du or with a specific object, something fixed, something that disappears causes Pandora's box to open at home and the chasms become a quiet beach in comparison with the arrival of the bedtime your little one.

Who knows it, who has lived it, knows that I do not exaggerate practically nothing, right?

Well, this is the solution!Human solidarity through social networks! At least this was the solution for the happiness of a family when the little girl in the house lost her teddy bear. You will love it!

Some time ago we were talking about another "movement" that was launched on Facebook to return a girl in that case, her lost stuffed animal that someone had found in Paris.

This story is not over with the return home of the lost stuffed animal but it has its grace ...

Imagine the scene (set to imagine ...)

You are at home, quietly, picking up the table after dinner. Your little son has put on pajamas and is brushing his teeth, everything is peace and harmony in the house.

He finishes brushing his teeth and goes to his room and there is silence. A few minutes pass and you have not heard him say anything, you have only heard movement in his room, open and close the closet doors, open and close the drawers, move the sheets and pillows.

In the middle of that silence, as a figure emerged from no one knows where the little one of the house appears with teary eyes, he is not a tantrum, he is a crying sense and inconsolable and tells you that his doll (choose yours specifically to empathize more easily) essential to sleep (he and the whole family and several families around, everything is said ... ) He has disappeared, he is not there, he has vanished, he cannot find him in his room.

Then seeing the night perspective that is presented you go with him hand in hand to look for the doll in his room because nothing at home is lost until mom (or dad, of course) You haven't searched for it first.

But it is not ... not in your room or anywhere and that you have searched in the most remote and impossible corners that have occurred to you.

And now?

Then at that point and I suppose that giving the night for lost, the parents of the child told him that the doll (where appropriate the stuffed elephant in the photo) had gone on a trip. Yes, as an excuse it is underworked, right? Have you not used much more creative excuses?

The creativity came later, when a friend of the parents uploaded the photo of the stuffed animal to the reddit social network where fans and Photoshop experts knew the story and decided to show the evidence of those trips that the stuffed animal is sticking around the world and even ... beyond!

Do you want to see them? Well, here you have only a few ... I don't know if the little owner of the teddy has been able to sleep without him but it is evident that the sense of humor and the desire to comfort a child for his loss, are two great ingredients when mixed.

Video: School Inc. Episode 3: Forces and Choices - Full Video (July 2024).