How to explain terrorism to children: seven tips to talk with them about the Barcelona attack

When a tragedy happens like the attack suffered yesterday in La Rambla in Barcelona, ​​the media are filled with images and information, people talk about it, and it is inevitable that children ask about what happened.

How to explain terrorism to children? How to talk to them about something that adults hardly understand? It is possible that the attack motivates a talk with your children, so we give you some tips to talk with them about the terrorist attack in Barcelona.

Explain to them, according to their age

Isolating children from the news is not recommended. Many parents prefer to do it to protect them, but when the magnitude of the news is so great, it is most likely that he finds out on TV, in the street, by a talk he hears, and hiding the truth will only cause him to create a fantasy unreal. It is better to explain the truth of what happened so that they can understand it, always taking into account your age and your ability to understand.

Reassure them

As happens to adults, the most difficult thing to assimilate from this type of attacks is the feeling of vulnerability and helplessness What causes.

You immediately think "it may have happened to me." It is precisely the fear that terrorists intend to sow, but it is important make children feel calm and protected, as well as to convey to them that although attacks are difficult to prevent, the security forces do an excellent job to protect us.

Another very normal concern in children is that "the bad guys" attack again. It is a good opportunity to explain that You can not live with fear, which is exactly what they want and that we have to be stronger and continue our life normally.

Use clear language

If we talk about young children, it is likely that you touch the subject far above, if you do, and it will be enough to explain the minimum in a very basic language.

If the children are already somewhat older and want to know more, we must use clear and direct language, without technicalities, with words that they can understand. It is not necessary to give them dramatic details about the facts that can hardly be understood.

Answer your questions

Children are usually the teachers of the questions. In their need to understand the tragedy, they can come to ask questions of all kinds, some may even get to dislodge you. Never lie to them, sincerity is paramount.

Answer naturally, in simple language and answering all your questions, without diverting your attention. If they ask you something you don't know, just answer them the truth, you don't know it.

Ask him about his emotions

A terrorist event awakens in children a lot of difficult to manage emotions that can trigger reactions such as nightmares, fears, tantrums, anger and of course sadness and anger. It is important to help them identify and name those emotions, helping them to process them.

Talk about values

Within the tragedy involved in an attack like the one lived yesterday in Barcelona, ​​it is a good opportunity to talk about values ​​such as peace, tolerance, solidarity and of course, freedom.

Talk also about empathy, the importance of putting yourself in the place of the other, and of respect for the victims and their families

Do not give the subject closed

This type of news continues to sound in the following days, and it is possible that your child returns to the subject at some time. Always show yourself open to your questions.