Baby's poops

It is good to know and understand, even of poops, especially if it is our baby. Knowing these five phases of poops will help you know if your baby's evolution is adequate.

He meconium, as we know, is the first deposition made by the baby. It is expelled thanks to the laxative action of colostrum and helps eliminate bilirubin and prevent jaundice. It is a dark greenish-blackish color, soft and sticky. It is composed of amnionic fluid, vermix, lanugo and secretions of the digestive tract.

The transition stool They begin between the fourth and seventh day of the baby's life. The main feature is the smell a rather strong smell and its appearance is liquid and greenish. When the baby is fed with breast milk, the stools have a golden yellow color, and the texture of these is lumpy and soft. Are the feces of breast milk. Its composition causes a type of beneficial bacteria to develop in the baby's intestine that prevents it from growing more harmful.

The feces of artificial milk They are characteristic for a light yellow-brown color, they are more consistent and with whitish lumps.

The diarrhea It is a symptom of infection or change of diet. If the baby is breastfeeding his stool changes consistency, they are more liquid and more frequent; If you feed with a bottle, the stool becomes liquid, and the baby is upset, cries because the gut hurts and has less appetite. It is recommended that the specialist make his diagnosis.