Fireworks on New Year's Eve and children

Fireworks often accompany the New Year celebrations, but it is something that you have to be very careful, especially when we talk about Fireworks on New Year's Eve and children.

Extreme safety should be taken to avoid injury to young children, as fireworks can cause severe burns, eye damage or hearing problems, which in many cases can be irreversible.

Each year, income is recorded for children with damages caused by handling pyrotechnics or having suffered an accident related to it.

It is advisable not to use pyrotechnics if there are small children at home, or keep them completely away from it. But let's see in detail what are the precautions to be taken with fireworks on new year's eve and in any other celebration.

  • Make sure children never light fireworks or stay close to them when another lights them.
  • Buy them in a safe place, with manufacturing guarantees to avoid clandestine items.
  • Check that the packaging is in perfect condition.
  • There should always be an adult supervising activities with fireworks, including the little stars that are usually given to children, capable of causing severe burns.
  • Never restart or collect fireworks that have not been completely consumed.
  • Always have a bucket with water or a garden hose on hand in case of fire.
  • Protect children's ears.
  • Light the fireworks one at a time, and then quickly back off. Do not carry children in arms when doing so
  • Never carry fireworks in a pocket or shoot them in metal or glass containers.
  • Do not leave items in the sun or near heat sources.