Have you ever wondered how they make pictures of babies? A video shows us

The pictures of babies made by professionals stand out for getting relatively complicated postures of babies sleeping, with little clothes and lots of light. The result is usually funny, beautiful and we are inspired by tenderness because we see them small, snuggled and put in baskets, boxes and other elements where in a short time they will no longer fit.

How will they do it? I have wondered on more than one occasion. And not for trying to do it at home, because I am quite clear that the result when you do not know is usually quite disappointing, but because it seems incredible to see some photos and that the baby remains asleep, still and sometimes even smiling. Well In the video below you will find out:

A matter of patience, love and a lot of tact

The video is from photographer Rachel Vanoven and it shows that everything is a matter of achieving a beautiful environment, knowing what you want to do and carrying it out with patience, love and a lot of tact.

If you notice, some babies are not at all asleep when they are with her, but based on patience and caresses, she manages to just catch the dream. As they are little, as they are still very babies, they arrive at a moment of sleep when it is difficult for them to wake up, so there you have precious time to put them as you want and photograph them.

The result is beautiful, very striking and, without a doubt, a beautiful memory for parents and also for babies (when they grow up):

What do you think? Did you hire a photographer to have these memories of your babies? Do you like these photos?

Video | Youtube
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