Walking epidural or epidural walking

One of the most rewarding experiences in life is the birth of our son. That moment should be the least traumatic for both the baby and the mother, although the degree of pain depends on the level of tolerance of each woman, the size and position of the baby, the strength of the contractions, the previous experiences of another birth, etc.

The epidural anesthesia always forces the future mother to remain in bed, because it reduces her muscular and motor control of the legs, also does not allow her to notice the contractions for the thrust, it is the gynecologist or the midwife who indicates when to push.

But the medicine advances and with it they try to facilitate the vaginal delivery without pain offering to the mother the maximum participation, without suffering, in the birth of her baby. Walking epidural or epidural walking, is an epidural anesthesia that eliminates the pain of childbirth but without leaving the paralyzed mother from the waist down. This allows you to give birth to your child more actively when pushing, and feels painless as your child leaves inside. The ambulant anesthesia is applied the same as the traditional one, the novelty is in its composition and in the combination of several drugs. This ensures that only the sensory fibers fall asleep, while those that control the movement remain awake.

Another advantage of this epidural is that the need for episiotomies is reduced and that the small amounts of substances used in ambulatory anesthesia do not cross the placenta, so the anesthetic does not affect the baby.

The disadvantage of this epidural is that it only works for short deliveries, since it only lasts two hours, so it cannot be used in all deliveries, since in some cases, it is very difficult to determine the time that will last.

Video: What other alternatives are there for pain relief besides an epidural? (July 2024).