Chicco helps families who expect a baby with a campaign that includes discount books

Seeing pregnant women and newborn babies is always a joy, although in the days of running, many dads and moms have to manage well to buy all the products they will need.

Later in practice, it is also not that babies need too much, but you know, we should worry about clothes, shoes, car seats, and other childcare products. To make things easier for the familyIf you're expecting a new child, the Chicco brand has launched the '600 steps to make you smile and take care of your baby' campaign. What does it consist of? in each of the 'Tu Peques' baskets (which are delivered to the mothers in the Childbirth Preparation Centers by the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy), Checkbooks are being included with discounts worth 600 euros to be redeemed in Chicco stores.

The products to which the discounts apply belong to light childcare, large childcare, fashion and toys. In this way it is intended to support moms and dads with products of the highest quality at an affordable price

The action is called '600 steps to make you smile and take care of your baby', and is limited to availability in stock, cannot be combined with other offers, and is valid until June 30, 2013.

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