Toxoplasmosis, changes in breasts and folic acid in pregnancy ... The best of Babies and more Answers

As you know, our Answers section is a space where you can ask the questions you want to be answered by the community, and at the same time you can participate by answering and voting the answers of the other users.

The debates, as well as the information and experiences shared by fathers and mothers, are very interesting, so we will review The best of Babies and more Answers in the last 15 days.

  • yhose She has told us that she is very scared because she is 29 weeks pregnant and has been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. You should strictly follow the treatment indicated by your doctor to prevent the infection from passing to the baby.

  • Why should I take folic acid? is the question he asks wendii.gonzalez.125 to the community. It is an essential vitamin to prevent malformations in pregnancy that must be taken even before becoming pregnant.

  • liliana.rivera.752 She is pregnant with her second baby and asks if it can affect breastfeeding while pregnant with another. Not at all, you can do it.

  • Another reader, jobyta is concerned about changes in the breasts during pregnancy, ask if it is normal for the tip of the nipple to turn white.

  • By last, mibebemivida Ask about your body's changes in pregnancy and how you will change and notice your baby's movements.

We invite you all to participate in our Answers section in which you can raise your doubts and concerns, as well as comment and vote on other users' questions.