21 short jokes to entertain children on car trips

Many of you will go on vacation in the next few days and will need resources to entertain the children during the journey. It is to get in the car and start asking how much is missing, which according to a study is exactly 27 minutes, although there are children who can not stand even that.

If the little ones get bored, the trip can become quite stressful, which is why most parents invent games or activities to keep the inhabitants of the back seat entertained. We leave you some funny short jokes designed for children that will make you have a good time with your family and you can remember during the holidays. We hope they make you laugh!

- There they wash the clothes?
-Do not
-Oh, how dirty!


- Is Agustin?
-No, I'm uncomfortable


-Is it 934 162 755?
-Not one has been right!


The seller of a toy store to a girl:
-This model does everything: go, talk, cry, make "pee", and take the bottle ...
-I already have a little sister who does that, said the girl. I just want a doll.


-Mom, why does dad have so little hair?
-It's that Dad is very intelligent and is always thinking.
-And then, why do you have so much?
-Go on, shut up and eat the soup!


A girl wakes up her mother:
-Mom, is it true that the dead turn to dust?
-Yes, little daughter- replies her mother.
-Well then there must be many dead under your bed.


- Was he finally convinced that my dog ​​can read the newspaper?
-Your dog looks at the newspaper, but doesn't say a word.
-I never said that my dog ​​read aloud.


-Mom, how was I born?
-I brought the stork.
-And you, how were you born?
-My mother bought me in Paris.
-And the grandmother?
-They found it inside a cabbage.
- But ... has there never been a normal birth in this family?


- How is a tree different from a drunk?
-That the tree starts on the ground and ends in the crown, and the drunk upside down.


A five-year-old boy was tired of his mother washing his hands and face incessantly.
One day they met a friend, who said seeing him:
-How have you grown up, Pedrito!
-Sure! -he replied- Like that mom spends her life watering me.


A teacher talked to her students about the customs of some birds.
-When it's cold in the North -he said- come here, to the South, to take advantage of the sun. Who are these friends we look forward to?
A very awake child shouted in a squeaky voice:


He was a man so short, so short, his head smelled like feet.


His mouth was so small, so small, that to say three he had to say: one, one, one.


This man was so thin, so thin, that to make a shadow it had to happen three times.


-Is this where you get free teeth?
-The first time, yes.
-And the second?
-I do not know. Nobody comes back.


In the recruitment office.
-Name and surname?
-Pepedro Totorres.
-Anote, clerk: "Pedro Torres. Special signs: stutterer."
-No, my name is Pepedro Totorres. The stutterer was my father, who named me.


A five-year-old boy went to meet the newborn baby of the neighbors.
He was looking at the wrinkled and reddish face for a long time, and then, with great seriousness, said:
-Now I understand why his mother was wearing it hidden under the skirt ...


The dad who dressed his three-year-old daughter could not find the socks.
-Where does your mother put the socks?
"Here," said the girl, pointing at her feet.


A girl runs to her father and says:
-Dad, can you give me a euro for a poor man who is screaming in the street?
The father, smiling at the girl's charitable gesture, gives it to him and says:
-Have the money. What's wrong with that poor man?
-Well, shout "Chocolate ice cream to one euro".


- Do you have 35 shoes?
-No, before the war we have nothing.


One individual to another:
-I sell this car.
- And why do I want it bandaged?

Jokes extracted from the book 365 Children's jokes by Editorial Servilibro.

365 children's jokes.

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