Previous abortions increase the risk of the baby being born prematurely

There are many studies that are carried out to try to know the causes of many babies born prematurely, in order to avoid them and thus reduce prematurity rates.

In a recent study, several researchers wanted to know if there was a relationship between previous abortions and the possibility of having a premature baby and the results confirmed the hypothesis: When a woman has had abortions before pregnancy, the risk of the baby being born prematurely.

How did they do the study

The study has been carried out in the National Institute for Health and Welfare of Helsinki, in Finland, and to carry it out, a sample of 300,858 first-time mothers who gave birth between 1996 and 2008 in that country was taken.

Of the total number of mothers, 10.3% had had a previous induced abortion, 1.5% had had two and 0.3% had aborted three or more times. 97% of abortions were justified for social reasons.

To avoid biases in the data, all possible reasons that could have caused premature births (a woman with several previous induced abortions could have a premature child and the reason be another) were taken into account, and even having eliminated the variables that could induce to error, They observed that with each previous abortion the chances of having a premature baby increased.

Results of the study

A healthy woman who has never aborted has a risk of giving birth to a premature baby before week 28 (premature is considered a baby before week 37, but in the study they have spun fine and talk about 28 weeks, being babies very premature) of three per thousand.

If a woman has had a previous induced abortion, the risk increases to four per thousand. In case you have aborted twice the risk is six per thousand and, from three or more abortions, which is when the thing gets more serious, the risk is eleven per thousand.

For those who had three or more abortions, in addition, the risk of having a baby before 37 weeks gestation was 35% higher and they were also 125% more likely to have a baby with very little weight (less than 1500 grams)

The study authors do not seek to argue about abortion, but to emphasize that, if it is done several times, the day you want to have a child you can really have more problems.