Gamete donation, to debate in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has launched a public consultation to help authorities to decide on several issues related to the donation of ovules and sperm. This is an online questionnaire designed by the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority.

It raises several issues related to the drastic lack of donors in the country, since in 2005 the anonymity of these donations was eliminated (a measure that, remember, France also intends to impose).

With the desire to know the barriers that potential donors encounter when making donation possible and improving policies in this regard, it is expected to obtain answers and know the majority feeling of the British population.

One of the questions asked is whether people who donate eggs and sperm to fertility clinics they should receive payments as compensation and, if so, how much should such compensation be.

And, although the payment for the donation is not allowed by law in European Europe, many countries do authorize the delivery of money as expenses and compensation.

For example, in Spain a sum of about 900 euros is offered for the donation of eggs and 45 for semen; while in Denmark, sperm donors receive between 50 and 150 euros for testing, for the time allocated and travel expenses.

The British authorities, however, currently reimburse donor expenses, but do not pay compensation for inconvenience, so some donors end up losing money. And that, in times of crisis, does not encourage people to donate.

Also ask about egg and semen donation within the families themselves (such as among cousins, brothers, mothers and daughters) and about the number of families that the same semen or egg donor should be allowed to help.

We see that the British authorities are really concerned about the small number of donors, which makes it difficult not only to pay attention to the wide demand for transplants or insemination as well as to research. Not surprisingly, from time to time more or less successful campaigns are invented to achieve more donors.

The consultation on the donation of ovules and sperm in the United Kingdom It will be valid until April and decisions will be taken during a meeting of the Human Fertilization and Embryology entity in July.