World Earth Day: 11 keys for children to learn to care for the planet and respect nature

Among our responsibilities as parents is to instill in our children love and respect for the planet in which we live. Children are no stranger to the changes our planet is undergoing and it is important to teach them simple habits that incorporate naturally in their day to day, to raise awareness about the need to care for the environment.

Today in the Earth daywe leave you 11 keys to involve children in caring for the planet and teaching them to respect nature.

Rule of the three R

Teach children that by applying the rule of the three R: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle We help develop responsible consumption habits and raise awareness about better use of waste, benefiting the environment and ourselves.

In Babies and more How to teach children to save water: nine tricks to reduce consumption at home

Take care of the trees

Trees help fight climate change, help us breathe clean air and counteract the loss of specials. They are shelter for animals, provide food and in addition to providing oxygen, protect soil erosion and reduce noise pollution and pollution of the city.

Because of the vital importance of trees, it is essential that children understand their function and take care of this precious resource for the environment.

Save water

There are simple gestures that can do much more than we believe in the environment if we adopt them as a habit. We recently celebrated Water Day and gave you nine tricks to save water at home:

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  • Place an hourglass next to the tap.
  • Take a shower better than a bath.
  • Teach them to use the toilet well.
  • Reuse water
  • Fill the dishwasher and washing machine well
  • Be sure to close the taps well
  • Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl.

Teach them to recycle

A few years ago it was not so common, but currently in most homes the garbage we generate is separated so that it can be recycled.

Teach them since childhood what is each container used for (paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.) will make it become customary and easily internalized.

Do not waste electricity

We don't realize it but we use more electricity than we need. Responsible use of it is key to the care of the planet. Some keys:

  • Teach children to turn on the lights only when necessary
  • And always turn them off when they leave the room.
  • Turn off the lights or the computer when they are not being used.
  • Unplug chargers and devices when not in use.
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Respect natural environments

Respect for any form of life begins at home. Teach your children to take care of plants, how they reproduce ... You can start by planting seeds or having a garden at home to see how the land can provide us with our own food.

When you go on an excursion to the countryside or the forest, do not throw waste and always carry a bag to collect any garbage that we generate or can find. Teach him also that plants are living things that must be taken care of and that they do not tear or step on.

Take care of seas and oceans

They may not realize what they can do for the care of the oceans, so it is important that we teach it with small examples: when we go to the beach, do not throw waste into the sea, nor alter marine life in any way.

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Reuse items

There are items that are completely discarded to which we can give them a second life. Especially containers, such as milk cartons, cardboard boxes or plastic bottles can become, with some imagination, other useful objects such as pens, storage spaces and even toys.

Also here it is important to teach you to donate or give away both clothes and toys or books that we no longer use.

Take care of the animals

It is important that we instill in children respect for animals and not only for those we can have at home as pets.

There are people who love animals and others not so much, but in any case, we must teach them that respect for them is paramount. Both a dog and the smallest ant we can see in the garden are living beings that deserve our respect.

Promoting responsibility and care behavior towards children will help avoid situations of abuse and neglect.

More walking, bike and scooter

The type of transport we choose to go from one place to another is also part of the care of the planet. Whenever possible, choose to walk, bike or scooter To make short trips.

An excellent way to educate our children in respect and care for the environment should also include leaving our vehicle parked when it is not really necessary.

In Babies and moreChildren by bicycle, healthier and happier children

Reduce plastics

Eliminating or reducing the use of plastics is another necessary measure for the care of the environment that is important to instill in our children. Avoid using plastic bags as much as possible replacing them with reusable paper or cloth bags.

When going to make the purchase with the kids, choose, as far as possible, products whose packaging does not use plastics. In a few years they will be banned, so for children's birthdays, avoid plates, cups and plastic straws.

Video: Everything You Need to Know About Planet Earth (May 2024).