China, looking for nurses

Today Europa Press publishes new news about the scandal of adulterated milk in China: numerous working mothers who no longer feed their children with their milk have launched themselves in search of nurses.

Breast milk substitutes are no longer safe and women cannot afford to buy imported milk either. The concern is enormous since there are many babies who are not breastfed.

Therefore the search for breeding masters, which I must point out is the option recommended by the World Health Organization before resorting to the substitutes. The "Shanghai Youth Daily" publishes that home service companies are receiving calls from mothers requesting the services of nurses. The "Nanfang Dushi Bao", in the city of Shenzhen, points out that nurses are being hired for a salary of up to 1000 euros per month, which in China is what senior managers charge

And the "Heilongjiang Morning" also picks up that special massages are being offered to try to allow mothers who have stopped breastfeeding their children to recover their milk again. How? You can relate, but the formula is not that but the stimulation.

I remember that O.M.S indicates that after breastfeeding by the mother the best options are deferred breastfeeding with breastfeeding from the mother herself and then breastfeeding by a nurse. Only if that is completely impossible, it is advised to resort to substitutes.

Hopefully this serves to change the tendency to go to what is called "infant formula" and mothers do not abandon breastfeeding due to ignorance. The substitutes they are the last option and never, never, can be compared to the milk of the species itself.

Video: Father attacks nurses in Chinese hospital (July 2024).