18 foods that are prohibited during pregnancy and may harm your baby

During pregnancy, we must make some changes and adjustments in our routine and lifestyle, because now our body has different needs that we must take care of and take into account so that everything goes smoothly.

One of these changes is in feeding, as there are certain foods that are more likely to contain harmful microorganisms that cross the placental barrier and may affect the baby that are not recommended at this stage. We share you 18 foods that are prohibited during pregnancy and may harm your baby.

Food prohibited during pregnancy

1. Raw milk

Raw milk is the milk of cows, sheep and goats (or any other animal) that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) portal, raw milk can carry dangerous bacteria, such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness.

These bacteria can be found in raw milk, as well as in derived products. Remember that boiling raw milk is not enough, the only way to ensure it is safe is to buy pasteurized milk.

In Babies and more Tips for safe feeding during pregnancy

2. Unpasteurized dairy

Like raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products may contain listeria, so we must ensure that all dairy products specify on its labeling that it has been pasteurized or made with pasteurized milk.

Pregnant women are at serious risk of getting listeriosis caused by the bacteria Listeria, a bacterium commonly found in protein-rich foods that are served raw or without overheating that can cause miscarriage, premature birth, infection or death of the newborn.

Unpasteurized dairy products include milk derivatives such as yogurts, creams, ice cream or frozen yogurt and soft cheeses.

3. Unpasteurized soft cheeses

Like unpasteurized dairy products, we must exercise caution with certain types of cheeses, due to the risk of listeriosis they present, particularly soft cheeses or mexican style, such as: brie, feta cheese, camembert, white cheese, fresh cheese, panela cheese.

It is important that bear the seal that they are made with pasteurized milk and not buy them in markets where we doubt the refrigeration they have had and the packaging.

4. Roquefort cheese

Roquefort cheese or blue cheese, which belongs to the group of soft cheeses that have stretch marks are best avoided during pregnancy because they have a higher risk of being contaminated with the bacteria.

The cheeses that yes they are safe to consume during pregnancy are hard cheeses, like cheddar, extra hard cheeses, like parmesan, and semi-soft cheeses, like mozzarella. Pasteurized sliced ​​cheese, spreadable cheese such as cream cheese and cottage cheese are also considered safe to consume.

5. Raw or smoked fish

Raw fish and / or foods prepared with raw or smoked fish and shellfish are more likely to contain parasites or bacteria than foods prepared with cooked fish.

Therefore, the consumption of raw and / or smoked or uncooked fish and shellfish should be avoided to avoid the risk of listeria or anisakis, a worm-shaped parasite that lives in the digestive tract of fish, cephalopods and mammals sailors

Some examples of this are sushi (with raw fish that is not properly frozen at -20 degrees properly), smoked salmon, fish carpaccio, fish tartare or fish ceviche.

6. Raw Seafood

According to the FDA, pregnant women should avoid eating raw or undercooked seafood such as prawns, prawns, oysters, clams, mussels and oysters for the risk of anisakis.

It is also not recommended to eat the heads of prawns because they concentrate a high content of cadmium, a metal capable of causing renal dysfunction.

7. Bluefin tuna and other large fish

Although fish consumption during pregnancy is good due to proteins and nutrients such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, there are certain types of fish that we should avoid during this stage, because contain very high levels of mercury. Large fish with high mercury content to avoid are, in addition to bluefin tuna, shark, swordfish, King Mackerel (mackerel) and pike.

The Spanish Agency for consumption, food safety and consumption (Aecosan) recommends pregnant or pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and young children (between 1 and 30 months avoid the consumption of these fish.

To continue consuming fish and get all the benefits that can provide us in pregnancy, we can choose safe and low mercury options as: salmon, shrimp, cod, sardines, anchovies, trout, tilapia and canned tuna.

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8. Raw or undercooked meats

When cooking food, it is extremely important to make sure you do it correctly, especially during pregnancy. Not being well cooked runs the risk of toxoplasmosis, a parasite called toxoplasma gondii, which is found in the raw meat of many animals and in the droppings of an infected cat.

Some of the damage it can cause are: premature birth, low birth weight, fever, jaundice, abnormalities in the retina, delayed mental development, seizures, abnormal head size and calcifications in the brain.

Must be avoid eating raw meats that are not well made, including raw beef, raw chicken meat, raw pork or meat of any other animal that is not well cooked or directly consumed raw, such as in carpaccios.

9. Uncured or previously frozen ham

The ham had been associated with the risk of toxoplasmosis, but recent studies conclude that pregnant women can eat ham, although with certain specifications: as long as the ham has more than 18 months of cure (24 in the case of Iberian ham).

10. Sausages

Sausages are also another food group with which we must exercise caution during pregnancy, as they can be contaminated with listeria during the process of its elaboration. This section includes, for example, chorizo, sausage, salami, mortadella, fuet, etc.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the only safe way to consume them is verifying that they are reheated and very hot.

11. Raw or not well cooked eggs

Eggs should avoid being eaten raw because of the possible risk of salmonellosis, caused by the bacteria salmonella, contained mainly in raw poultry meat, as well as raw and undercooked meats and eggs. If it enters the body it can cause: dehydration, bacteremia, reactive arthritis or Reiter's syndrome and meningitis.

It is important to mention that it is not only raw egg alone, but you should also avoid foods that take you in your preparation and do not cook later. So this section includes homemade mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce or any sauce or dessert prepared with raw eggs such as mousses, tiramisu (can be made without eggs), meringues.

12. Pate or foie

Another food that is not advisable to consume during pregnancy are refrigerated spreads or meats, due to the risk of listeriosis they present. What we must do is verify that they are pasteurized and avoid those made at home.

On the other hand, it is important limit the consumption of liver-containing patents (although in their labeling they indicate that they have been pasteurized), since they have a high content of vitamin A, which in excess could be harmful to the baby's health.

13. Unwashed vegetables

Although vegetables are an essential part of healthy eating during pregnancy, proper handling is important before consuming them.

This includes wash them well to avoid possible contamination by toxoplasmosis, because it could be present in the soil where they are grown. Avoid contact with raw meats and clean the kitchen utensils well after using them.

14. Raw sprouts

Although they are very beneficial for health, during pregnancy we must take certain precautions and preferably avoid raw sprouts and sprouts, since They are likely to be contaminated with bacteria such as E. Colli and Salmonella due to the conditions in which they develop.

In this group of sprouts and sprouts raw Alfalfa, radish, soy or clover are included.

A safer way to consume them is to cook them to eliminate possible bacteria that may be present.

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15. Packaged sandwiches

As recommended by Aecosan, pregnant women should avoid sandwiches that we can buy packaged as well as other prepared foods that contain vegetables, eggs, meat, cold cuts, fish and derivatives.

16. Brown algae

Brown algae such as laminaria, kombu, or Macrocystis are contraindicated in pregnancy due to potential actions at the level of thyroid function in pregnant women. Green algae, although they are beneficial at a nutritional level, it is recommended not to consume them in large quantities.

17. Coffee (more than one large cup a day)

On the other hand, consuming an excess of caffeine in pregnancy is related to an increased risk of abortion and preterm birth. WHO sets the maximum consumption of coffee in pregnant women in 300 milligrams daily. For its part, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) reduces this amount in its 2010 recommendations. Advises pregnant women to limit their consumption to less than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day.

This amounts to more than one large or two small cups a day, although a recent study indicates that even in amounts that are considered safe, caffeine could affect the baby's weight at birth. Remember that we also find caffeine in chocolate and some sodas.

18. Alcohol

And of course, it cannot be considered a food, but alcohol is totally prohibited in pregnancy. In the absence of a minimum safe amount, it is best to avoid it completely. What the mother drinks reaches the baby and alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the most frequent non-genetic cause of mental retardation. Important reason not to drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy.

General recommendations for safe eating during pregnancy

In addition to avoiding these foods that are considered prohibited and not recommended during pregnancy, we should always take certain Precautions for safe eating during pregnancy. To do this, we share some tips:

  • Wash your hands well before and after of handling any food.
  • Clean the kitchen utensils correctly after using them.
  • Wash fruits, vegetables and vegetables well to remove traces of dirt and pesticides, as well as possible bacteria or parasites that cause disease.
  • Cooking food at a temperature of more than 75 ° C to kill all kinds of microorganisms that transmit diseases. Never serve semi-cooked, "juicy" or raw meats.
  • Avoid contact of raw food with cooked food.
  • Eat food after cooking. Do not leave them at room temperature for more than two hours.
  • Keep perishable food in the refrigerator.
  • Defrost completely the meat before cooking.
  • If we consume reheated food, make sure it has reached high temperatures (more than 75ºC).
  • Do not consume food after its expiration date.

With these tips and avoiding foods that are prohibited during pregnancy, you can avoid the appearance of food diseases that harm you and your baby.

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Video: Top 10 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy (July 2024).