Campaign to promote the use of a safety belt in pregnancy

Although the Traffic Code does not require pregnant women to wear a seat belt in vehicles, the Servei Català de Trànsit has launched a campaign to make proper use of this protection, "The best way to protect the future baby is to protect the mother."

In the public health centers we can find a triptych in which they recommend that all pregnant women wear a seat belt, and although pregnancy is not an obstacle to traveling by car, it is advisable to avoid long trips. Otherwise, you should rest periodically taking the opportunity to walk a little.

They insist that the belt should be used in all journeys, even if traveling in the rear seats of the vehicle, unless the doctor has advised against it for some particular reason, then it would be more convenient to limit travel by car. The photo shows us how to adjust the conventional safety belt correctly, with the upper band passing between the breasts and the lower band as low as possible, avoiding direct pressure on the breasts and the abdomen.

In addition they try to clarify doubts about the airbag, where they affirm that if the body is at a distance of 25 cm. of the safety device and focusing towards the thorax and the head, it does not carry any danger, although being in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to use the passenger seat.

The health department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, will request the Government to modify the Traffic Code so that the use of a seat belt is mandatory for pregnant women as well.

Video: Louisiana Child Passenger Safety Law (July 2024).