Tool to know the frequency of baby names

Although looking for a unique name for our baby is an upward trend, we are still very little original and year after year the most used names for newborns are repeated. If we want to know how much the name we are shuffling for our baby is used, there is a tool to know the frequency of names.

The National Statistics Institute (INE) has created this section that lets you know how often a name looks like in a province. So prospective parents can know if their child's name will be original or will be carried by hundreds of other children. The frequency of the name can be known by province of birth, by decade of birth and province or by nationality.

For example, looking around I have learned that the name of my newborn baby, Emma, ​​is repeated up to 13,664 times in Spain (compared to 150,000 in "Lucía" or 682,000 in "María"), 708 in foreign women: France, Bolivia and the United Kingdom are the nationalities most frequently for "Emma."

To know the frequency of the name we will only have to mark "Woman" or "Man", write the name and specify province or decade of birth according to the information we want to obtain. Can also be done similar searches by last name: its provincial distribution, as well as frequency tables for the first surname by province of residence and birth or by nationality.

In short, I think this tool to know the frequency of names in Spain It is very interesting for those who are going around several options and have not just decided, apart from finding many curiosities about the distribution of anthroponyms.

Official Site | INE In Babies and more | Tips for getting the baby's name right, Advisors for choosing the baby's name, Most used names for babies in Spanish-speaking countries

Video: The Frequency of English Words: Bubbled Part 1 (July 2024).