We want more Family Film Festival

I don't know if you remember the last time you went to the movies, with or without children. The price at which tickets are to watch a movie in a room is to think twice and you have to make accounts before deciding. However, going to the movies with the kids is a beautiful experience, and we would love to carry it out more often.

Possibly you have those special memories of when you went to the cinema as a child. For me those occasions were magical, unforgettable, nothing to do with the television drawings. In the recent Film Festival Surely many children have lived the magic of the big screens for the first time.

I have rarely gone to the movies with my daughters, and those few occasions have been taking advantage of special discounts. Just recently we were in a subsidized cinema with tickets to two euros to see family cinema, and the room was packed.

A success that has been able to live recently and for three days in a row at the Festival of Cinema throughout Spain, thanks to which many families have also been able to recover the beautiful custom of going to the cinema (although surely many less than they would have dear, taking place during the week).

A pity that this Party will only last three days ... Could not last longer? From here I claim more Film Festival, for families and for all, because considering spending more than 30 euros for a family of four is crazy. However, the thing changes if we speak at popular prices, at three euros the ticket we have much easier, although we continue to take home popcorn ...

Go to the movies with children It is a unique opportunity to enjoy that magic, dream, learn, get excited ... Of course, we will have to choose the children's film well, and enjoy. Children will remember those first cinemas as we do.

If we inform ourselves in our cities, we are likely to find cycles, promotions, grants ... for children's cinema. And if there are no such offers, ask them. Many times the good prices go to films that are not premiere, but we do not care too much because with the frequency at which we go to the cinema we will have passed more than one.

Hopefully after the success of the Film Festival the agents involved are considering the possibility of expanding this type of projections: once a month, on weekends ... There we will be the families that love the cinema, enjoying with our children in the seats, maybe for the first time, thanks to those more affordable prices.