Developing social skills

All children need a lot of help when they are young; but as they grow they have to learn to depend less on parents and develop social skills that make them more competent in their environment.

We can begin by teaching them to be socially competent, letting them acquire autonomy by doing things for themselves. This will give them security and report benefits in their self-esteem.

Here are some aspects that contribute to develop social skills:

- Allowing our children to maintain relationships with other people important to them, both adults and children.

- Helping them whenever they need it, but not doing all things for them. Supervise their behavior and interactions, but give them autonomy and support so they dare to do new things such as meeting friends, playing with them, making small commissions. -Listening and responding to your concerns.

-Provide the opportunity to meet people, to see different things they usually know.

-Take advantage of their interests so they learn more.

And the most important thing is the shelter of a home full of security, affection, understanding and defined norms that will facilitate your social development.

Video: How to Develop Social Skills as an Introvert (July 2024).