What scares a baby watching football

Is there anyone who does not know that the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is being played? Even if we try, it would be difficult to sneak away from this noisy (and exciting for some) reality. Not even babies can avoid being immersed in Mundial, one way or another.

But what happens to a baby who is surrounded by screaming, jumping, nervous adults? Well, they get scared. My first daughter had to live the final of the 2008 Euro Cup, and I remember how, every time there was a dangerous play, or some goal, she ended up crying. What scares it took!

In anticipation of the nerves of the final minutes and the euphoria at the end of the game, which Spain won, I decided to get away from the noise with her and confine myself in another room to muffle the screams, which was not easy, but at least I was already entertained in other things and not scared.

Now she is two and a half years old, and although they do not make too much of these shocks, it is my 11-month-old baby who is again suffering the ravages of football.

Having dinner the other night on a terrace with a panoramic screen (we weren't even going to watch football, but they sat us nearby ...) in some intense, controversial and decisive plays, don't see the scandal that was organized.

It is logical that the shock and the screams scare anyoneImagine a baby who does not know what is going on and gnaws his piece of bread calmly and concentrated, or plays with mom's rings, and suddenly he is immersed in the rumble, logically breaking into tears. If we add rockets and firecrackers nearby celebrating a victory, the shock does not stop.

Dads, moms, if you don't want your babies to take a traumatic memory of what football is in this world of sick adults, there are other ways to live it.

It is difficult, yes, and more if you read us from Spain, because you already know that the selection is in the final. But babies don't have to be scared watching football. Well, watching football us, of course, because they do little or do not want Spain to win the World Cup.

Video: Dad Scares 5 Year Old OVER and OVER! (May 2024).