"Tula Woven Wrap": for those who bother to see a mother breastfeeding

I have the impression, and I hope I am not mistaken, that breastfeeding in public is increasingly accepted. That a baby or a child is restless, or crying, or is hungry and asks for his mother's breast and that she feels like giving him, I think it causes less and less rejection.

Since Babies and more We have always defended this because in the equation of mother who breastfeeds, baby who is breastfed and person who watches, the most important is the baby. But just in case, there are always those who invent new strategies or gadgets to try not to disturb. Today we echo the last shout, the Tula Woven Wrap: the latest model in fabrics to cover those people who feel upset when they see a mother breastfeeding.

Obviously, I doubt you find it for sale because it seems to come from some Anglo-Saxon country. Anyway, surely we can achieve the same with a scarf or with a sheet that we have at home. In case you make a lot of use of it, we can always suggest to people that be they who bother carrying it on for next episodes.

And, as they say in my town: "What do you care about? If it bothers you, don't look." The fact that a child asks for food or comfort and contact with his mother is one of the most ancient things that exist. Something natural and, yes, this has been done a lifetime. And the argument is not just that, is that for many children there is no other alternative: either you breastfeed or you breastfeed, because they neither want a pacifier, nor do they drink artificial milk, nor would it be logical (and would be disrespectful) to suggest to a mother who, not to disturb, bottle feed.

So if you know someone who looks at watching you breastfeed, try the Tula Woven Wrap or with some similar invention. They will stop seeing you and stop having reason to be upset, right?