Bites in the nipples

This title that could correspond to a risque movie of tone refers to an experience with my babies that I would like to share, because it has me a little alert. Lately I have received some painful nipples in the nipples while breastfeeding my little daughter.

From what I have seen on the Internet, and commented with some friends, this is not a very rare situation. Perhaps the odd thing is that the bite is so strong that blood comes out, as happened a few days ago.

Both my oldest and the youngest daughter, who is now one year old, had "played" with her chest on occasion, especially with the first dentition, with the incisors. Nothing remarkable, some scream and some laughs.

But for a while now my daughter "has fun" with her chest too much, performing all kinds of tactile scans, until he decided to test his resistance with his four teeth and surely all the strength he was capable of.

You can imagine my scream, his fright and even the dizziness he gave me and K.O. for a few minutes ... I think I haven't seen the stars in a while.

The fact is that now I go a little alert because he has tried to repeat the play on some occasion (and he has done it, although more lightly), it is always at the end of the shot, when he “gets confused” and begins to focus his attention on playing and explore.

Now I can't help but be very attentive to the shape of his mouth when he's just breastfeeding, because I've already located the change in the look, the gesture and in the mouth when he starts to release a snack. For those who are in a similar situation, you just have to look at your face to know when you stop breastfeeding and start looking at the chest, changing the opening of the mouth.

That does not mean that every time he makes the gesture he will take a bite, but if we talk to him, we move, and we offer his chest again, it is most likely that they would take away the idea they had of “exploring”, that, On the other hand, it is what they do with everything at their reach at these ages. If not, ask the stuffed toy we have rolling around the house ...

Fortunately, I have not been "dismembered" and has not returned to bite your nipples while breastfeeding In that way, and despite my alertness and that really painful moment, breastfeeding is still a precious experience that I hope to extend.

Of course, his sister who will soon turn three is not too funny that his sister sucks ... but that is another story.

Video: 5 Tips on Stopping Biting During Breastfeeding. CloudMom (May 2024).