More strollers and dangerous children's products removed

I'm surprised to bring this "black list" of products for babies and children Some of the widespread and well-known and common brands have been recalled, as has happened on other occasions.

We do not have to go to unknown products or come from far away, with different manufacturing requirements, to run into defects and risks to the health of children.

Recently we saw that some strollers had been removed, including one of the Carrefour brand, and another chair of a fairly common model violates safety standards, in this case the Nurse chair (Ref. 140 Happy Plus), one of the best known brands in Spain. It has been removed due to the risk of entrapment, asphyxiation and various injuries due to defective manufacturing.

Also some products of the popular Ikea chain have been banned: these are baby sleeping bags, Ikea brand, Barninslig model, which carry a risk of suffocation, as the zipper stopper and the pin can be released.

An invention that seems to me as far-fetched as luckily has also been located and removed before any misfortune occurs (known). Nothing less than a glue aimed at children, of attractive design, packed in a bottle, Warm Baby brand. Come on, it seems ready for the child to take it to his mouth ... Anyway, there are ideas that speak for themselves, and scare.

In this case it is an illegally imported product and unfortunately all customs controls were skipped, which also reveals certain shortcomings in this surveillance service.

Also another baby saddle, Bruin brand, model T2004 it has been removed due to the risk of entrapment and various injuries due to a defective hood and parking and braking systems.