Tips for you to like music

Who does not like music. Whether classical, electronic or light pop music. But do we really appreciate music, understand it and make musical sense? Let's see some tips for our children to like music and show interest in this wonderful world of melodies that has so much to offer.

First, the ideal is that our children see us devote attention to music: that we stop to listen to such a song or concert on television, that we put on this record, that we want to hear with them how such an instrument sounds or such a song of bird…

Remember that they learn from everything we do, so, paraphrasing the well-known motto to encourage reading, "If you listen, they listen".

Getting started in music as a game, as fun and even relaxation when they are young is the best way to develop musical taste. There is music suitable for all occasions, with which you can learn concepts such as fast and slow, strong and lazy (piano in musical language), high and low (sharp and serious)…

When we have the opportunity, we will attend live concerts. Better if they are intended for family audiences, since we need to expose the child to the experience of live music. Free concerts are offered periodically in most cities.

In the long concerts we will have to take into account issues such as our placement (near the halls, or at the end) in case we have to leave when the child needs it, since they do not usually last too long. But as little as it is, it will be well used.

Live concerts They are a great time to enjoy with your family, which reinforces and diversifies our leisure time, and it will also give us the opportunity to observe the child, make him express his ideas and tastes, help him discover the instruments ...

Open houses are held in many schools and conservatories, which we can take advantage of so that they know these areas. The concerts offered by small students, although they will not be of quality, present the great virtue of presenting to our son what he can be part of.

Children like to do what children do, they look for references of their age, and if they can be fascinated to see an adult playing an instrument, it will make them see that they are children of their age who play them.

The first musical instruments, the toy ones, should not be missing at home. We do not stay in the drum. The flute, the xylophone, the guitar ... are other options. Of course, without batteries, they have to make them sound, and without restrictions as to the volume or styles, choosing the appropriate hours to “play-play”, of course.

If the child continues to be interested in music and it is time to choose an instrument, it is necessary to avoid making this decision in a rash way and that it is the boy or girl who gets an idea and preconfigures his choice. Factors such as the dimensions, the price or the appropriateness of the instrument to the child must also be taken into account before making a final decision.

Regardless of our tastes and musical knowledge, we must look for quality music (we want the best for our children). Not always what is heard most in the media is the best.

Following all these tips for our children to like music, we will make them enjoy and learn with her, and we with them.

Video: How To Find New Music! MY TOP 5 TIPS (May 2024).