A poor diet in pregnancy could affect the development of the baby's organs

To such an extent it is important that the future mother has a balanced diet during pregnancy that a poor diet in pregnancy could affect the development of the baby's organs, as discovered by a group of Brazilian researchers.

The study has been conducted with female mice that were subjected to a diet low in calories and protein or stress situations during pregnancy and have observed that the offspring were born with less developed organs.

The young were born with less weight and with the smaller kidney or with a reduced number of nephrons, responsible for blood filtration, reducing the organ's processing capacity to 70 percent.

The restriction of calories and protein in the diet would also affect the size and processing of other important organs such as the liver, heart and even the brain, naturally affecting its functioning.

They believe that these physiological alterations in the fetus could be a way to adapt to the offspring so that their organisms are more prepared to live in situations of stress or food shortages.

It is curious, but it is a hypothesis in which it is necessary to continue investigating and determine how poor the pregnant woman's diet should be to affect the size of the organs of the developing baby.

Anyway, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet in nutrients throughout pregnancy.