How long have you not been to the movies?

When a couple has children their life changes yes or yes. It is irremediable. It happens even if you don't want it. Even in those couples who plan to remain the same and continue doing the same thing they did before the baby was born. It changes because it is not the same to be alone, without more responsibility than having to eat and pay for a roof (which is not a little, eye), than to be suddenly accompanied by a baby that absorbs all the parents' time.

It is for this reason that many parents almost completely disconnect the cable of "social life" and "let's go for a walk, or to the cinema" at the moment they enter the hospital to give birth, with all that entails .

Suddenly you see yourself talking with friends, brothers or acquaintances and you realize that you have lagged behind in many aspects, because while you have entered the world of baby clothes, strollers, cries, snot, the tiny socks and the plump little hands the rest keep watching the new series that come out every season and keep going to the movies.

This makes one of the things that recent and not so recent parents have in common (and that becomes a funny topic to talk about) is that it has been a long time since any of them went to the movies, that's why I ask you: How long have you not been to the movies?

Since many of you have children of different ages, it will surely not do much, but others will not have been on your feet for a long time. In my case, for example, only a couple of months ago, because my children are already 5 and two and a half years old and, more or less, you can watch a movie with them in a decent way. However, when we were parents for the first time we came to wait until 3 years of age to go see Madagascar 2. That is, we got to be three years without going to the movies when, being alone, we went almost every week.

Three years and the movie that makes us enter a cinema again is Madagascar 2, which is another. We have been going to the cinema again for two years, but the films we have seen do not go from "Suitable for all audiences." So by boat I soon remember this one, "Vicky the vickingo", "Up", "Toy Story 3", "Rio" and little else.

I miss sitting in the cinema a little with my popcorn and my orange Fanta to see a movie that is not animated without a hand showing half the popcorn and taking the Fanta to half-empty it, although not too much because, to be honest, I get the impression that the quality of the non-animated movies is not much higher than the animated ones. In any case this is another issue.

As a solution, as we were barely going to the cinema, it occurred to me to bring the cinema home ("if Muhammad does not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Muhammad"). Christmas two years ago we got a projector and a screen and put everything in the dining room at home. Every Sunday (and when they broadcast the football matches that interest you) we use all of this. One day, when I have a while, I show you.

And now you: How long have you not been to the movies?

Video: 10 Things Not To Do In The Movies Theater Part 2 Spider-Man (July 2024).