Helping the Magi: the best toys for 6 to 9 months

Do you hear the New Year's bells like me, do you see the trees, the rush, the expenses? I think I have an early compulsive Christmas attack but in a matter of toys the sooner the better (and cheaper) If your little one has eBetween 6 and 9 months don't ask for help, this is the best for him.

One above another

It's a classic and the classics never fail and I say it from my own experience. When more advanced and sophisticated toys are almost forgotten, the balancing pyramid continues among his favorites. For me it is a surprise, really, but what I have discovered is that with this age Stacking, taking out and puttingr is the most fun and entertaining game for them. That and take out all the pans from the kitchen cupboard.

Block by block

A variation of the previous toy and that has also caused a sensation in my little one are the children's blocks.

Stacking, piling up and knocking down is his maximum fun and the reason is none other than to show himself and his parents how his fine motor skills have improved (for him it is a greater achievement than climbing the K8), as does his capacity of concentration and knowing how to use your hands separately. He just loves it !, as does the fact that the blocks are stacked and can be stored inside the little snail and when you do the music plays!

Catch, crawl and smile

Oh! How much concern for when he starts eating porridge, crawling, walking? Isn't it the first question you ask other parents in the park when they are a child of your age? Stimulating the crawling, highly recommended by pediatricians, does not seem easy unless we get on all fours and cuddle. Error! The jumping ball wheel will encourage you to crawl, stimulate your physical and visual development. You can play sitting by hitting the basins of colors and the base to activate the lights and melodies that rotate the friendly characters inside. Thanks to its attractive design, it will move rolling on the ground and will encourage the baby to move and reach.

Puppies, cars and dreams

Fisher Price has hit the spot with this toy: its protagonist is a nice puppy, is very sobering and perfect for teach letters, numbers and sounds of animals and fosters the values ​​of friendship and affection. Can you ask for more?

When your baby turns the key, there are endless possibilities for learning. Your little one will love it because it combines his favorite hobbies: songs and cars, and you also because it will encourage him to start crawling.

In Happy Learning: Helping the Magi: the best toys for babies from 0 to 6 months

Video: 10 Simple Magic Tricks You Can Do At Home (July 2024).