Thousands of premature babies die alone each year in neonatal units

I don't usually talk much about death because I carry it quite badly. It is a job that I have to do some of these with myself, to begin to know her, begin to understand her and start preparing to live and live with her. The fact is that, despite this, or precisely for this reason, today I wanted to rescue the topic that Eva Paris discussed a few days ago about the Week of Premature in Argentina, because UNICEF said thousands of premature babies die alone each year in neonatal units, and this touched the fiber.

They have not said specific numbers, not even percentages, although some media have come to say that "50% of premature babies die without the company of their family", data that later, in the body of the news, does not return To appear.

The fact is that, despite not being able to give absolute numbers, it is said that in 54% of the neonatology services of Argentina “There were children who in the last months died without the company of their family”. The reason is that Only 39% of 153 hospitals in that country allow parents to enter without restrictions.

If we take into account that every year 4,500 premature babies die in Argentina and to this figure we add the thousands of premature babies that die in the rest of the world, I can say without fear of being mistaken that yes, thousands of premature babies die without the company of their parents.

This happens is sad, very sad, because nobody should die aloneNo one, not even a baby who has not had almost time or feeling too accompanied, not even them, who are not able to explain how much they can suffer in a neonatal unit. Y sadder is still when this happens because many neonatal units (in Argentina they are 61%, nothing less), they don't allow parents to be with their babies at all hours.

I hope that with these data the policies of the hospitals will change and give parents free access so that they can be with their children at 12 noon, at five in the afternoon or at four in the morning, if they want to share time with his kids. What less, are their children.

I can't imagine how hard it can be to lose a newborn child, but it would be harder for me to know that he has died without anyone close (no, the healthcare staff does not count here), without his father or without his mother . I can't imagine it, I don't want to imagine it. More humanity, please.

They are our children, they are people, we are adults and we know how to enter without making noise so as not to disturb other babies, We know how to take our children to put them on our chest and give them the warmth and love they need to recover before, we know how to respect the work of professionals without disturbing and we want that, if the worst has to come, it does not happen alone. No one should die alone. Nobody.

Video: How Physics Saved Two Million Premature Babies (July 2024).