Tasty spiders as Halloween menu

Halloween is coming and we are telling you some ideas to celebrate with the kids, and today we put on the apron and we are going to cook some tasty spiders as a Halloween menu. I loved this dish because it will not take us long to prepare it and the result is fabulous.

It is a very simple recipe that the Moms SUV bring us, for which we will only need some frankfurter sausages, some spaghetti and a little sauce to make the eyes of the spider. Children will love to participate in the preparation of the dish, although we can also surprise them at the table once we have it ready.

The sausages have to be sliced ​​to form the body, and we will go through each piece with four halves of spaghetti that will serve as legs.

When we have the sliced ​​sausages with the spaghetti inserted, they are put in boiling water, for about ten to fifteen minutes, until the pasta is cooked. Once the small snacks are drained, we place them in an individual dish or in a bowl, and finally we can make eyes.

Since the sausages are not too big to fit four pairs of eyes, we will settle for a pair. The eyes can be made with dots of sauce, mayonnaise and / or ketchup, easier if we have sauces packages and we make a small hole so that little amount comes out.

It occurs to me that the best accompaniment for these tasty spiders as Halloween menu It is a good "vampiric" tomato juice ... And, for dessert, a terrifying cake. Bon Appetite!

Video: Tasty - Halloween Spider - Chocolate Peanut Butter - 6 of 31 Days Of Halloween 2018 - DIY Halloween (July 2024).