What technology do parents use to communicate?

I think I'm not very wrong if I say that the majority of reading parents of Peques and Más communicate through the mobile phone. Also the landline phone, in its two versions with cable or wireless, are also the best way to communicate with other parents, friends and family. The phone gives me a lot of laziness, and the communication options, also valid for the elderly, are many and varied.

On the computer I love to use Skype, it is very fast and allows, knowing that the interlocutor is connected on the other side, immediate communication. Together with Google's Gtalk, it is one of my favorite methods to connect using a computer, although it also works very well on mobile devices.

The one that is leaving is WhatsApp, a communication mechanism for smartphone, which allows instant conversations. Many parents use them and talk immediately through a chat system, fast and also immediately. With this system you can attach files to enrich the conversation and so you can send a whatsapp to the father of the child who is at your child's birthday party with a photo to see that they are having a great time. In whatsApp the phone application automatically adds to your contact list those phone numbers in your phonebook that have the application installed, so if you look at your phonebook and see an icon of this functionality, assess whether it is better not to interrupt with a call and send a message that will read it for sure.

And it is that for a long time charging the phone every day is no problem and is even common. Far are the times when phones were charged once a week. Almost as much as when they sent SMS although it seems to me that this means of communication is still very valid among many parents.

Another means of communication, which seems clean to me, does not interrupt and fulfills an effective communication mission if one does not roll too much is email. Organize a hangout, a trip, an activity, distribute graphic material, send links, etc. It is the best way to communicate and the phone cannot replace it. further does not demand immediate response or yes, as you prefer, because you can say that you have received the message and that you will answer.

Our children are already communicating by means that we were unable to imagine at their age. For my generation the fax was a great discovery, so was the mobile phone that Michael Douglas used in the car in the movie Wall Street. Although we should not remain anchored to those moments. So it seems to me that it is Fun and simple to experience at home with the kids. For traveling parents, communicating on Skype is the best option. Or for Gtalk when they are at home and you are still on her way. I also like whatsapp and clear email.

We must not forget that millions of users worldwide are changing their habits and they are stopping using traditional tools such as sms or calling with landlines or mobile phones. And that is also causing a dynamic of change that extends like gunpowder throughout the world and to which our children do not remain oblivious.

I let more intrepid parents try, if they don't already, one of the inventions of the 21st century: twitter. And that way of communicating looking at what they say to those you follow, the responses they send you or the direct, private and instant messages right now seems to me one of the most interesting. In Peques and Más we have it clear and that is why we are promoting the use in @pequesymas. In addition, and so that you do not miss anything from other blogs in the Weblogs family, we have just launched, @seleccionwsl, a selection of the best content of our publications every day.

And you, what is the technology that you use the most and that you like to use the most?

Video: Using Technology to Communicate with Parents (May 2024).