Dads and moms blogs (CLXXV)

One more Tuesday it's time to review the Dads and moms blogs, space in which we bring you those blogs that we have visited during these days and in which we have found stories, anecdotes or situations that we think may interest you.

We start with Jasmin and his blog Learning from Adrián and Gael, where we can find some very interesting and fun ideas for a pirate birthday. Does anyone have a birthday party shortly and didn't know how to organize it?

In Of my motherhood and other demons We have been able to see something that is sure that more than one father and a mother are concerned, and it is the issue of conscious eating. And, there is nothing better than a diet based on fresh, healthy and as varied food as possible.

The mother of two witches He tells us how he has been painting cookies during these days gone by water. Luckily, these days seem to be coming to an end, but that does not mean that what we are told here is not possible to do now that good weather is coming… Hands to the dough!

Between notes and diapers we find that the author, returns to the load, and brings us a new list of words that she has been able to hear during the last days. I love to see how little ones invent words to communicate with us, and how we do our best to understand them!

Finally, Monica speaks to us in Parents in trouble how is the mother's brain, since as everyone knows, changes occur during pregnancy, these being necessary to make it more useful for the role of mother.

So far the review of moms and dads blogs that have caught our attention the most. If you have a blog and want to make it known to our readers, do not forget to leave us in the comments the address of your pages so that we can visit them and add them to our compilations.

Video: Ex Illuminati Druid on the Occult Power of Music w William Schnoebelen & David Carrico NYSTV (May 2024).