Breastfeeding protects the mother from heart attack

Breastfeeding has huge benefits for babies but also for mothers. Among them we already knew the lowest rates of breast and uterine cancer in premenopause, as well as the fastest contraction of the uterus. These are now joined by the finding that women who have breastfed are less likely to develop heart disease and stroke. Breastfeeding protects the mother from heart attack for several decades.

That is, breastfeeding improves cardiovascular health of mothers and not only that, its benefits increase the longer breastfeeding has been.

This is indicated by a study by the University of Pittsburgh in the United States that is published in the journal "Obstetrics & Gynecology."

The cases of almost 140,000 postmenopausal women were studied and it was found that the cardiovascular benefits of breastfeeding were maintained even after many years had passed since they stopped breastfeeding.

The study was conducted in women who breastfed their children for at least a month. They were found to have lower rates of diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.

It was also verified that if they had given the chest more than a year their chances of having heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases were 10 percent lower than those of those who did not breastfeed.

Protect our heart It is one more reason to breastfeed more than a year.

Video: Breastfeeding could lower moms risk of heart disease, stroke, study says (May 2024).