"Donate a bottle": an improved campaign to get artificial milk for babies in needy families

We live in difficult times, more and more, in which it is no longer necessary to look at neighboring countries to see people go hungry and in need. Thanks to the solidarity of the people, organized campaigns (and other actions on an individual basis, of course) that are intended to help others are being initiated.

One of these campaigns, which has caught my attention especially, is the call "Donate a bottle", which has been carried out in Galicia and which aims to get starter milk, bottles, pacifiers, diapers and things of this style for the neediest families. It is not that I want to criticize someone who tries to help, because I praise the work done, but I think it is an improved campaign because as it is usually said: "Don't give me fish, teach me to fish".

"Donate a bottle"

The aforementioned campaign was initiated by the Friends of Galicia Foundation (whom I take to send a warm hug in thanks for all they are doing) and began with the objective of help 39 babies from low-income families.

They made a general appeal to which various municipalities in the area joined and have achieved, to date, 250 euros, 47 starter milk bottles for babies under six months, six pacifiers, thirteen teats, eight bottles of continuation milk, five packages of baby cereal, another five of diapers, baby wipes, three bottles of soap, one of cologne, a bottle and three moisturizers for babies.

And when are the fish over?

The achievements are great and they will surely help those 39 babies under six months of age for a few days (more or less each of them has a bottle of milk), but when does the milk run out? And when are the fish over?

Breastfeeding a baby is one of the best nutrition and health things that parents can do for their baby. If this is so in the first world, even when we can buy any other food, imagine how positive it can be when there are no resources (in the third world, or here and now, in these moments when there are those who do not have or to buy artificial milk). It is an economic issue, because breast milk is free, and it is also a matter of health for the baby, which will have the defenses it needs to face future difficulties.

As I said above, I applaud and praise the work of these foundations and of every person who selflessly helps others but, on this occasion, we should try to teach parents to fish, and so instead of donating a bottle , the interesting thing would be donate a breast pump, or donating nothing and simply providing mothers with the help of lactation consultants or health professionals who know what a relactance is (if the mother has breastfed but left it), or who knows how they can help a mother to induce breastfeeding (if the mother never breastfed but now she will start doing it).

With such help, which requires less resources, much more is achieved, for mothers to "manufacture" their babies' food. In times of crisis and in these cases of needy families, I can't think of a better help than this For the baby and for the family.

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