Kaiku Zen Super Wagon: a beautiful car to take the kids

When I was a child one of my favorite toys was a car quite similar to this (but more rudimentary) made by my grandfather for all his grandchildren. That is why Kaiku Zen Super Wagon He has made me fall in love at first sight.

Is a beautiful car for the kids, which can be used as a toy or as a form of transport to take children to the shopping or for a walk.

The concept is super simple, a wooden car with four wheels, but you just have to activate the imagination to find several uses: go shopping, take a walk, take the children to school, or for the children to play moms and dads, to travel by bus ...

It is ergonomic, can be used by one child or two at a time, always over 18 months for safety reasons, and is made of weather resistant materials.

In addition, you can find accessories to place in the car such as a basket to store anything or a coaster to take a snack at the time of the ride.

Kaiku, the firm that makes it (the name will ring for a brand of milk, but it has nothing to do with it), also markets two other items, a toy car and a kind of taca taca for babies who start walking.

The product has won awards for innovation for its design. I've been looking for places to buy it in Europe but I haven't found it yet.

Surely we can buy it soon, but if you are very anxious you can buy it through a site like Oompa for $ 319 (approximately 250 euros) plus shipping.

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