The batch back to school never seen: ham, cheese and sausages for snacks

The offers for the return to school usually include school supplies, uniforms, sports equipment ... But why not take advantage of an offer that thinks about the snacks that lead to school? Today I talk about a batch back to school never seen: ham to prepare lunch snacks.

These boxes that can be found in Carrefour mix books and pencils with a juicy ham, sausages, loin, cheese and olive oil. To make the sandwiches very complete, up to 200 sandwiches, as they say.

Of course, from here we advise you to think about what are the healthiest sandwiches for the kids and make more use of the ham and loin with cheese, healthier to accompany the bread, that sausage and sausage, more fatty and should be more sporadic in the children's diet.

And although we have not found these boxes to show you online, there is an offer of a slightly broader lot that is advertised as follows:

Special offer Back to school !! That no child is left without eating ham and no mother without filling the pantry for the whole family.

Of course, this lot includes "material" not suitable for kids, because next to ham, sausage, cheese, tuna, asparagus, peppers ... there is a bottle of wine.

As a ham lover and with some heirs convinced of this gastronomic hobby, I am sure that this batch back to school with ham and sausages for snacks It wouldn't last even the first quarter. But what a good profit we would get ...!

Video: Freezable Ham & Cheese Wraps with mummy jojo (June 2024).