19 months and climbs a climbing wall ... no protection!

Seeing the images does not seem to be a great danger, but you can judge for yourself. The girl is an expert climbing and surely I would need more protection than her to get up that small wall. Is about a 19-month-old girl whose climbing feat has been shared by millions of people on Facebook.

His mother, Rachael Lee Farmer, proudly posted a video that you can see next but did not think about the impact it was going to have, coming out in the media worldwide. And not always for good. Because, among the comments generated by the images, there are those who call the mother imprudent.

It is true that the small scale as a professional, however, does not carry a safety rope, harness, or helmet, which has generated outrage in many Internet users. It seems that the floor is padded, yes, and the wall is also not a great precipice under vacuum. But what would happen if the little girl fell? The mother is clear and responds to criticism:

She was perfectly safe, more secure than if she had a harness with rope. I only ask you to come see her in person before you judge my decisions and those of my husband.

The Facebook video was shared on June 20 and already has more than seven million views. The mother, surprised, has now created the page of the little girl on the social network, The Little Zen Monkey, where she shares her climbing videos. Which, by the way, are also being a success.

It is seen that the mother is fond of this type of climbing and has undoubtedly transmitted her passion to the little girl, who cannot resist the walls. He has climbed many similar walls and does it quite easily, he probably already knew that wall that is seen in the famous recording and that has aroused so much interest. I do not believe that her mother believed that there was any danger, nor that in the first "raids in the climb" the little girl left her without protecting her.

Even so, I don't know if I would dare to let my daughters climb without protection, not even if they would dare ... I don't think so, really. And less if I think about when they were a year and a half. But there are probably many other things that the girl in the video does not know how to do and for which her mother is very careful taking care of her.

Video: Extreme Pitbulls of ddkline "Ace" second story entry!! Executive protection k9 (June 2024).