Daughter, you can be like Beckham

Gender stereotypes are acquired through learning processes in which they participate in addition to cultural factors common to the society where the individual lives, such as the media, others related to the most immediate context: family, school, classmates and friends ...

Stereotypes are the widespread beliefs about the attributes that characterize a particular social group. These beliefs about the genres have been formed in earlier times and are transmitted by society with hardly any modifications over the last decades.

A family may try not to transmit stereotypes, some even reach the limit of not wanting to determine the sexual identity of their child in a kind of experiment, but in any case there will always be external factors that determine that our children are impregnated with those characteristics associated with the Genres in our society.

What does exist objective gender differentiation: there are men and women, more or less conditioned by their identity and / or stereotypes. But that difference should never be devised pejoratively.

We tell our daughters that they can play football. I put a fragment of "I want to be like Beckham" to my three-year-old daughter to see the girls play, when she told me that football was for children. Where he learned / heard that, I don't know (maybe classmates in school, maybe because soccer on TV is always men's ...).

What is clear is that we will have to continue showing them that this and that can be of girls, of girls, because it "is" of people, no matter their gender. All girls can be like BeckhamThey can be footballers, doctors, architects, play with a truck or tools.