An improved version for iPad of Isequences has been launched: the learning app for children with autism

The Imaginary Planet Foundation has launched a enhanced version for iPad and the Android version of Isequencies. This entity is an early intervention center for children and adolescents with autism / ASD at the state level, which also operates in some European countries.

Is about a learning application for children with whom four general areas are worked: habits of autonomy, events or recreational activities, daily situations and ecmociones. Isequences can be used both in education and family, and among its purposes is the improvement of social skills and recognition of emotions. It is known that in these two areas people with Autism Spectrum Disorders usually have special difficulties, and this new app covers a very important gap, in addition to being one of the few apps available in Spanish and Catalan designed for people with ASD.

It has been specially designed for people with these disorders, or other special educational needs, although it is also valid for other children

This new version also incorporates German as a new language, and new configuration options (Like the text and voice appear before or after the sequence is sorted, or the user decides when he wants the prize to appear).

Isequences allows to practice through different exercises with 100 different sequences about everyday situations through Tatus (the main character) and his friends.

Video: CARTA: Tool Use and Technology: Q&A and Closing Remarks (July 2024).